And sometimes you need to wear sequinned knickers…
Today I wore clothes for the first time in almost three weeks!
Three weeks of jamas!!!!
And to make me feel better I just had to wear the sequinned knickers…
You can see the top of my scar here now the staples are out. It’s pretty big but scars are cool, right?!
My bag is HUGE, they give you the biggest easiest ones to learn how to deal with them in the early days. I’ve seen the ones I could move onto and they look tons better, easier to disguise, easier to fit under clothes.
And sometimes you just need to wear sequinned knickers…
Love Sam xx
Awesome knickers babe! 😉 xxx
Awesome knickers babe! 😉 xxx
Last time I saw your knickers was in Belfast. You had them on your head and they said “I’m with the band” on them.! That seems a very long time ago. Hope you are well on the way to recovery x x
Last time I saw your knickers was in Belfast. You had them on your head and they said “I’m with the band” on them.! That seems a very long time ago. Hope you are well on the way to recovery x x