If only for a second…
The Mimi Foundation supports the health and well being of cancer patients. This video shows 20 cancer patients who participated in a unique makeover experience.
They were invited to a studio. Their hair and makeup were completely redone.
During the transformation, they were asked to keep their eyes shut.
A photographer then immortalized the moment they opened their eyes.
This discovery allowed them to forget their illness, IF ONLY FOR A SECOND.
So beautiful xxx
Im ersten Moment war ich mir nicht sicher,was das Ganze soll.Als ich aber die Reaktionen gesehen habe,wusste ich “Das ist eine wundervolle Aktion”!!!!
Thanks for your comment Michelle – though I did have to google translate it! I think this is the translation…
At first I was not sure what the whole thing but I soll.Als seen the reactions, I knew “This is a wonderful action”!!
Im ersten Moment war ich mir nicht sicher,was das Ganze soll.Als ich aber die Reaktionen gesehen habe,wusste ich “Das ist eine wundervolle Aktion”!!!!
Thanks for your comment Michelle – though I did have to google translate it! I think this is the translation…
At first I was not sure what the whole thing but I soll.Als seen the reactions, I knew “This is a wonderful action”!!