public speaker about self esteem ulcerative colitis crohns ostomies colostomy ileostomy jpouch ibd


I did a talk at the Crohns and Colitis UK South Yorkshire Autumn lecture, I joined Mr Brown, consultant and surgeon at Sheffield Hallamshire and Northern General hospitals and we gave a patient/surgeon take on Ulcerative Colitis, surgery and treatment.  I had a brilliant time, the talk was filmed and I will share that with you when I get hold of the final cut.

I received this from Sandra Capewell, Chair of the South Yorkshire Crohns and Colitis group and was blown away.  I work hard to make a difference to the lives of people with IBD and to hear that I am helping just means so much.


“I discovered Sam Cleasby in an accidental kinda way and boy am I glad I did!  She’s an extraordinary woman… mother, homemaker, photographer, writer, public speaker, blogger… is there no end to Sam’s talents?  I first started reading Sam’s blog earlier this year and was blown away by her honest, open writing style (it does become addictive!).  She shares everything with her reader – all the ups and downs of her health along with stories of her loving family and views on self esteem – her words take you on a roller coaster ride in your own armchair.  You start to believe you know everything about her!  Sam has such a positive outlook on life – there’s glass half empty people and glass half full people but Sam is in a different league altogether… she’s the glass overflowing person.
Sometimes when you discover something good you want to keep it for yourself but I would have been doing a disservice to many if I had not shared Sam with others…  I asked Sam to give the lecture at the South Yorkshire Crohn’s and Colitis UK (CCUK) Autumn 2014 meeting and she was more than happy to oblige.  The old girl didn’t let me down.  The lecture covered her operations, positive body image and, as always, the continued support of her husband.  Her energy is boundless and her positivity is infectious – it gave people hope, even those experiencing different problems.  Just by being in a room Sam makes people feel happier.  And it wasn’t just me who was impressed with her lecture – here are a few comments from CCUK members:
“Very inspirational”
“The lady advocate for acceptance, self reliance and not giving up was the best speaker on positive behaviour and attitudes I’ve ever heard in my experience of 20+ years of IBD.”
“Interesting and informative”
@so_bad_ass you were brilliant!  You made me and another girl get teary (in a good positive way).  Poo shouldn’t be taboo!  Thank you.”
Read her blog.  Arrange for her to speak to your group.  Follow her story.  You won’t be disappointed!”
– Sandra Capewell (Chair – South Yorkshire Crohn’s and Colitis UK)
If you would like me to speak at your event, get in touch now
Sam x
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