If the Kardashians are your role models, then you have problems
I do not watch the Kardashian telly programme, I saw it once and Kanye West was ordering the Kim one to lose weight and only to wear clothes approved by him. I thought it was a parody of an abusive relationship but apparently it is all for reals…
I try to avoid these Karkrashians as much as I can, but my twitter, Facebook and newsfeed is filled with their boring stories of how much they weigh, how big their arses and lips are, who they are dating and what tat they are promoting.
And they are Karkrashians… that car crash TV that you know you should look away from but your eyes are drawn towards the drama and chaos that surrounds them. I bet they are actually nice women, but we don’t ‘know’ any of them, all we see is the brand that they push into the limelight.
A story popped up today about the Khloe one who has posted a photograph of her weight on Instagram and how she is promoting dangerous ideals to the kids who look up to her as a role model. There are two things about this story, one… no shit!!! Is anyone surprised that these women whose ‘talent’ is their looks are promoting unhealthy body issues? Secondly, if you or your child have a Kardashian as your role model then your problems run deeper than her weight.
The family’s fame comes from the fact that one of them made a sex tape. Let that sink in. Your child’s role model is a woman whose notoriety comes from her having sex on camera. Or even worse, her sisters who are using their sibling’s sex tape to promote themselves. Their commodity is their looks and their family wealth and they have used these things to promote themselves into ‘business’. Fair enough, but that doesn’t make them good role models.
If you must watch the show then I suppose that is up to you, though I can name a million ways that are a better use of your time. But having them as role models for yourself or your kids? Fuck that!
Want to idolise some amazing women?
What about Emma Watson? UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and kick ass feminist, she is an actress who earned more before her 18th birthday than the rest of us will in a hundred lifetimes yet she strives to make a difference and use her stature for good.
Jennie Price is the CEO of Sport England and brought us the This Girl Can campaign inspiring women to get exercising and take control of their health.
Camila Batmanghelidjh has an awesome name… But she also founded Kids Company providing practical, emotional and educational support to the most vulnerable and deprived children in the UK. (Note to add: I would rather dress like Camila than any of the Kardashian women… totally going to start wearing turbans!)
Baroness Doreen Lawrence took the most painful experience anyone can imagine, losing a child and used it to make a positive difference in the UK. She founded the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust and received an OBE for “services to community relations”.
I know people say that these shows are light entertainment and that people like me shouldn’t get so wound up about them, but when they are filled with really damaging messages and their stars are becoming role models then it does concern me. We are a famous for nothing generation with so many ‘stars’ who have never done anything worth applauding. I am not a huge fan of some pop stars but at least I respect that they work really hard and have a talent. Footballers may be overpaid (in my opinion) but their role model status is based on skill, training and years of dedication.
I know this is a bit ranty but seriously people, there are so many people doing beautiful, amazing and wonderful things to make the world happier, kinder and more filled with awesome. This kind of mind numbing telly filler is wasting your amazing life. Go read a book, watch a ton of TED talks, go to local events, spend a night playing cards with your favourite person, take a walk, hang out with your besties, play board games with the kids…
We are here once and for a very brief time. Live hard, love a lot and laugh every day, fill your life with wonder and brilliant things.
Sam xxx