My perfect family… Glastonbury 2017
“You have such a perfect family!”
I got told this after sharing photos of our trip to Glastonbury this year and so I thought I would share a few pics of my perfect family. We never argue, the kids are always on perfect behaviour, our home is a sanctuary of calm, peace and love. There is never a raised voice, never a curse word muttered. We all just live in harmony.
I mean, of course, that is all bullshit. When I got told how perfect my family are based on these images, it made me think about how we come across on social media.
Yes, we had a wonderful time but I didn’t take photos of the guilt I felt when I had to nap every day. I didn’t take photos of the ostomy bag leak and me crying my eyes out. I didn’t take photos of the arguments the kids had or the time my eldest lost my youngest in a festival or the anxiety attack I had at 4am. I didn’t take photos of the difficulties of raising teenagers and the conflicts they are going through.
I didn’t take photos of three kids in a car, arguing over who is manspreading leading on to a battle over why the term man spreading is or isn’t sexist and a discussion about who had the biggest balls. Nor did I photograph the sheer anxiety of letting your 16 year old into a mosh pit alone, or the look on the youngest’s face when he found out the big two didn’t want to take him to see a band.
I didn’t take photos of my worries that my hernia was returning or the feelings of sadness and fear I had despite having this lovely family time. Or the struggles in keeping a relationship going through years of chronic illness.
I love my family, they are wonderful and I am so lucky to have them. But photos on social media only show the best of times so when you have those feelings of worry when you see everyone else having a seemingly perfect life, remember that we are all fighting our own battles and comparison to others is unhealthy and really doesn’t help!
Are my family perfect? Hell no!!!! But we get through each day and share the happy photos to celebrate the times it goes well.
Hi Sam,
I am a relatively recent ostomist and wondered if you could share your thoughts on camping with a poo bag?? Did you change your bag in the tent?
My husband loves camping and I was thinking of the best way to still go.
Thanks for your blog.
Ruth X
Have you seen the Riksack? I have one of these and they are perfect for camping trips!! Though I also have to admit that we have a caravan!!!
Thanks. I’ve ordered one. Great review by the way with lots of practical advice.