Next surgery date
My next surgery will be next Monday, the 12th March and it’s for the hernia above my stoma from my old stoma site.
Im feeling really nervous for this one, I know it’s not the biggest or longest op I’ve had by far! But I think because I had mentally prepared myself for no more surgeries this one is freaking me out a bit!
I think my main concern is that the hernia is so close to my stoma that it’s a worry that if it’s too close, they may have to resite my stoma which is obviously a much bigger op with a tougher recovery.
The scans we are going off are from last summer and I know the hernia is much much worse than then. So I suppose I’m just really apprehensive that going into a simple op may mean I wake up with a much harder surgery to recover from.
I’ll be heading in first thing Monday morning and it will either be a 1-2 night stay or a bit longer if the surgery is harder. And then home for a few weeks rest and recovery.
Work have been fantastic and have told me to take as long as I need, they are really supportive and it’s lovely as this is my first op where I’ve had sick pay!! After all my other ops we knew that it would be weeks and weeks of me earning nothing which obviously puts so much more pressure on us as a family and so it’s great to know that the pressure is off and I can actually concentrate on getting better without the voice in my ear telling me to get back to work and earn some cash!
Going into any surgery is scary, and I need to try and calm my nerves and ignore the dread in my stomach that something is going to go wrong.
Its not great timing, Ell starts mock GCSEs on the same day and I’m hoping that they can concentrate on their exams and not worry too much about me. The kids hate me being in hospital and I know they’ll be stressed next week. I hate that I cause them hurt and fear but we’ve talked about it and they’re feeling as ok as they can.
So I will let you know how things go next week!!
Thanks for all the messages of support
Sam xx
All the very best of love & luck Sam, may the Karma Gods be with you ?
Good luck, Sam. It is very daunting when there’s a risk the surgery might be more extensive. Hopefully it will be straightforward and you can be home and helping with revision in no time. We will all be thinking of you and sending love and hugs xxx