Supporting someone with IBD – a guide for friends and family
Timm and I were thrilled to work with Crohns and Colitis UK on their latest guide, it’s about supporting someone with IBD for friends and family members.
They say
”Finding out that someone you care about has Crohn’s or Colitis is a shock. You might be feeling anxious about what comes next and how their life will be affected. Things will change – but the support of friends and family can make a huge difference in helping them live well with their condition. This information sheet discusses the challenges faced by people with Crohn’s and Colitis, and the valuable things you can do to help them. It also looks at ways you can make sure you’re looking after yourself.”
You can download the guide here.
We we are both proud supporters of Crohns and Colitis UK and we also volunteer with the South Yorkshire network too. For more information check out the links on this post.
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Sam xx
Brilliant I’m sending this to all my family who still worry about me even when I’m feeling good ☺