Happy birthday me!
Today is my birthday and I reach the grand old age of 38! I swear in my head I’m only 19…
Happy birthday me!
It’s been a hell of a year, two surgeries, losing my nan, our American adventure, depression, a break down, a new radio show, lots of pain and plenty of struggles.
I’ve learnt a lot this year. I’ve learnt that you just never know what is around the corner. That we need to care for ourselves. Hold the ones we love close and let go of the negative bullshit in our lives.

Feeling positive
For the first time in a long time, I’m actually feeling positive and hopeful. I have the most amazing friends, a loving and supportive husband, jobs I adore. I also have brilliant kids who are setting off into the world on their own paths. We are crossing everything that this last operation will be the one to make it all better.
I feel like I’m able to make plans for our future. To really assess the things that bring me joy and go after them.
I’m planning to get strong. As soon as I’m able I’ll be working with a physio to get my body as strong and healthy as I can and I can’t wait!
Timm and I are so lucky to have our friends Caroline and James in our lives. They are our family and have been there for us every step of the way through some of the toughest years we’ve ever faced. We are forever grateful to have such amazing people with us.

So what am I hoping for the year ahead?
I want to get back to work as soon as the doctors agree. Camping trips in our campervan with fires and countryside and dogs. I’m going to get strong and fit enough to get walking, to be able to go and hike and be in nature. Also I want to learn to kayak!!!
I wish the greatest happiness to my son who starts University this year. Love and strength to my child who is off travelling for two months and all the best for our youngest in everything he wants. It’s big changes to us as a family unit with C leaving home but I hope it makes us all very happy.
I hope to have the strength to do more blogging, more raising awareness and to expand So Bad Ass.

Mainly I just hope we can have a happy year filled with kindness, laughter and love.
So happy birthday to me! I hope 38 is the year it al starts going right!
✌?& ❤️
Sam xx
Firstly happy birthday. I am so happy to hear that you are seeing light at the end of tunnel and are planning for the future. Keeping everything crossed for you that was your last surgery. You deserve good health to go after thing you want to do. You’ve had more crap that you deserve. I will cheering you on and look forward to hearing more from you in your so badass blog.