Tag Archive for: bugs

Illness and Ileostomies

Last night I started with a stomach bug, I felt queasy and then the output from my stoma turned to water. My bag was filling extremely quickly, I was emptying once or twice an hour and I felt awful.

I had a google and thought I’d try some Imodium (loperamide) to deal with the very watery output from my Ileostomy. I went to bed after puking with a hot water bottle and feeling sorry for myself. I had stomach pain and felt awful. I was a little worried that it could be a blockage, but from dr google I realised that even if it were, the best things to do were drink hot drinks, massage my stomach and try different positions to sit and lay.

I woke this morning after a really restless night feeling terrible. Still awful diarrhoea, nausea and stomach pains. But worse than all that was my mood. I just felt so down, like this was a setback in my recovery. I don’t think I’m generally one to feel sorry for myself but today I’ve been such a Debbie Downer…

eeyores gloomy place

I hate feeling sick. I’d rather have pain that nausea, that queasy feeling is the thing that drops me to my knees. So today the nausea teamed with tiredness, a leaky bag, soreness and pain has made me a proper mardy arse!

I try to keep chipper through all this but this has knocked me, I’m feeling low and fed up. Tonight we were meant to be having a few friends over, a bonfire, fireworks, good food and sparklers! Instead we had to cancel and Timm had taken the kids to the local bonfire, so I’m sat at home listening to other people’s fireworks feeling pretty sorry for myself.

feeling ill and miserable

The plan is Imodium, plenty of fluids and rest. I’m hoping it will be over soon and I’ll be feeling better. Sometimes we need to go to bed with a hot ribena, a hot water bottle and have a little pity party.

And so I’ll do that, and then pick myself up, shake off the grumpiness and smile…

Sam xx