"She has a prosthetic leg anyway…" Disability shaming
The Avengers – Age of Ultron press tour has kicked off and some questionable comments from Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans are overshadowing the film itself. When asked about Scarlett Johannson’s character the Black Widow they called her a “slut”, because this is acceptable right?
These actors discussing what is essentially a children’s movie calling a female character a slut and a trick shows the levels of sexism in our current climate. It has also been discussed that the female characters of many films are not promoted in the merchandise.
Sexism is rife in Hollywood and has been written about a lot but one comment that stood out for me was when discussing how the female character Natasha Romanoff has a romance with someone other than him, Jeremy Renner says;
“She has a prosthetic leg anyway” The inference being that he wouldn’t want to date a woman with a disability.
They may be joking but this easy sexism and ablism has an impact on how society sees women, especially women with a disability. His laughter at the idea of having a relationship with someone with a prosthesis is offensive and reinforces old fashioned and ridiculous ideas that people with a disability can’t be a sexual being or be found attractive.
Watch the interview here…
Well screw you Jenner… Living with a disability is fucking hard and having over paid, ignorant men openly mocking it is wrong. For those reading this with an illness or disability, don’t let it make you sad, allow yourself to get angry and speak out. More and more I find myself championing campaigns for people with disability and I think we should call out people who use casual ablism, who make disability the butt of their jokes.
My campaign #MoreThanMeetsTheEye is about bringing disability into the public eye, about encouraging kindness and openness, about getting people to open up and talk to reduce stigma and getting society to understand.
I blogged last week about how I had been called out on “sexualising disability”, I argue that I am simply normalising illness, my sexuality is a part of me and my illness doesn’t stop that. At a talk I did for the Seven Hills WI, a lady came up to me afterwards and said “you had your colon removed not your clitoris”, after doing a big spluttering laugh I totally agreed!
But society doesn’t seem to want to see people with disabilities as sexual beings. Perhaps it makes them uncomfortable? I came across a great bloke on twitter called Andrew Morrison Gurza who runs a campaign called #DeliciouslyDisabled getting people talking about sex and disability. It’s amazing and I implore you to go follow him on twitter now!
The more we allow these sorts of comments to slip, the easier it is for society to make people with illnesses and disabilities feel like outsiders, to isolate them and create an environment where it is ok to mock those different to us.
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Sam x