The best films I have never seen
I’m not feeling very well this week, I’m on day two of sofa dwelling with a hot water bottle and painkillers. I’m waiting to see what the hospital think but I’m dropping weight quite quickly without trying, I have stomach pains and feeling exhausted and sorry for myself.
ANYWAY, I have very little headspace and I’m watching a lot of Netflix and it got me thinking about all the ‘classic’ films I have have never seen. You know the ones, those that when mentioned in the pub, everyone goes ‘Ohhhhhhhhhh that’s a CLASSIC mate!’
So here’s my list. Let me know if I really should watch them or if they are over-rated cack!
1. Rocky. Any of the Rockys…
“Aaaaaadddrrrrriiiaaaaaannnnnn!”, the steps, Sly Stalone… I am aware of all this yet have never seen any of them.
2. The Princess Bride
Literally no idea what this is even about but people talk about it alllll the time.
3. Labrynth
A friend recently told me he was abandoning our friendship because I haven’t seen this movie! I am tempted, I do love Bowie but now it’s almost fun to see the shocked faces of people when I tell them I haven’t seen this weird 80’s classic.
4. To Kill a Mockingbird
I’ve read the book and I have tried to watch the film several times and just can’t get past the first half am hour of dullness. Sorry (not sorry!)
5. The Matrix
Started it probably 10 times. Fall asleep as he chooses which pill every time. Every time.
Turns out I don’t care whether he takes the red or blue pill.
6. Casablanca
Here’s looking at you kid… Nope. Never.
7. Gone With The Wind
I’ve seen Wind in the Willows, does that count?
8. Dirty Harry
Is it a bit shooty? I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen any Clint Eastwood films.
Not the old ones, not the new ones.
Not Dawn of the Rise of the Fall of the Zoo of the Forest of the Planet of the Apes.
Is it about roller blading? See that sounds fun, but I don’t think it is, is it?
This is such a classic that I feel that I have seen it but I just haven’t. Though I do like breakfast and the name Tiffany so maybe I should try.
I love Bruce Willis so I’m not entirely sure how I have missed this series of films, it almost feels too late now to get into them.
Yippy ki yay motherfuckers…
Nope. No idea.
I do have actual regret at not seeing these films. I will put them on my to do list.
Is it? Is it??!! I don’t know. This film is on every Christmas but I’m too busy watching Elf on repeat.
So there’s my list of the best movies I’ve never seen. What’s yours?
Sam x