Be kind to yourself
Today I need to remind myself of this.
I woke feeling unsettled, I didn’t sleep well again. Im still tapering off the steroids so have awful insomnia, Im still on the sleeping tablets that I have been on since June.
Its my son’s birthday today, so we got up early and Timm made birthday pancakes. Charlie opened his presents and we had a lovely morning together.
Timm took all the kids to school and I was changing my bag. My mind wasn’t quite on the job and I left the dry wipes on one side of the bedroom whilst I took off my bag, Timm came in just in time to get the wipes and crisis was averted. Such a non event. But it hit me hard and I had a big cry.
Such a silly thing. Nothing at all really!
Ive been so good at keeping positive and then one distracted decision makes me weep?! Blimey!
So Im reminding myself now. Be kind to yourself.
Im being kind to myself by chilling out today, I have surrounded myself on the sofa with cook books as I feel like baking as soon as Im up to it. I have my knitting out (Im knitting the only thing I can, squares, that will be eventually sewn into one huge blanket) I have blankets on and the fire is lit. For lunch Im going comfort food all the way with cheese toasties and soup. Im going to put on gorgeous expensive hand cream, a present from my lovely friends. Im going to paint my nails. Im going to drink hot ribena.
Tonight we are going for a family meal for Charlie’s birthday. I kind of did a bit too much yesterday in going out and feel exhausted and have some pain so its really important that I relax today so this evening goes off without a hitch!
As you are reading this now, I want you to remember how important it is to be kind to yourself.
Do one thing today to be kind to yourself, no matter how small…
Im not kidding… Go do it now!
Love Sam xx