Tag Archive for: #MyDailyIBD

#MyDailyIBD – a 365 photography project for IBD Awareness

As we approach a new year, I came up with a fun little project that I thought might help share our IBD stories and raise awareness while we go.  I love photography, it is so special what we can emote in one image and so I thought I would begin #MyDailyIBD.

The idea is that you take one photo a day that shares an element of your IBD life relating to a specific topic.  Each month, I will share a board with the topic of the day and you can take a photo and share on social media (instagram, twitter, Facebook, pinterest).

You can be as literal or as creative as you like!  Using the hashtag #MyDailyIBD and tagging me in means others can look at your images and you can see what other people are sharing too.

This is meant to be a fun project that anyone can get involved in and by this time next year, you will have a photo diary of your IBD life.

IBD is often seen as an ’embarrassing illness’, the poop factor makes people feel uncomfortable talking about it.  My aim with this blog has always been to raise awareness, to #StopPooBeingTaboo and to let the 5 million people worldwide with IBD that they aren’t alone.  This project encapsulates all of those ideas and I hope it will be a positive and helpful project.

Don’t worry if you miss a day, just pick up on the next day and carry on.


#mydailyibd sam cleasby sobadass



Each day take a look and share an image that relates to that date of the month, so on the 1st January, we will start with a New Year Selfie, share on whichever form of social media you like, use the hashtag #MyDailyIBD and #NewYearSelfie and then enjoy looking at what other people are sharing.

This might work really well, or be a huge flop! Either way, I will be doing this for a personal collection of photos of my year, so even if you choose not to take part, you can peruse my photos on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

I hope you will get involved and share the idea far and wide and we can get people talking about IBD.


Love Sam xx