Tag Archive for: readers

Your messages…

Thank you so much for all your comments, reads, shares, emails and messages. I am so overwhelmed by the outpouring and humbled and honoured to read your stories.

I am getting thousands of emails and comments. Some are deeply personal stories and are heart breaking.

I am trying my best to reply to as many as possible, please bear with me, if your issue is important and requires a reply and I haven’t come back to you in a week then please try again.

But please know that I am reading every one.

To be given the opportunity to have a glimpse into your lives and those of your loved ones is amazing.

Thank you so much. Please know that it means a LOT! I don’t take this responsibility lightly and I am very proud to be trusted with your words.

I’m learning a lot too, I thought I was well informed but your stories are teaching me so much and I’m sharing this knowledge with the world.

Every one of you is awesome.

You lot are so bad ass…

✌️& ❤️

Sam x

100,000 thank yous

I’m a little teary and overwhelmed writing this post, you see a year ago I started this blog as a cathartic way of me to talk about my illness and treatment and over the last 12 months it has become more popular than I could ever dream.

Today I reached 100,000 views of So Bad Ass. I know compared to some of the big blogs that number may be small fry, but for me it is amazing. I’m blown away that my words have been read so many times. The level of support I’ve received is just unbelievable and through the thousands of emails and messages I have had from people either offering or asking for support and advice is phenomenal.

I am so proud of my little blog and i hope I have helped others and made a tiny difference to you all.

All I can say is thank you, thank you, 100,000 times thank you!

Here’s to the next 100K!! Please keep reading, sharing, commenting and getting in touch.

Love Sam xxxx