Wonder Woman Wednesday
Each week I celebrate wonderful women that have rocked my week. I’m going for groups and collaborations this week as I really think that together, women make an unstoppable force!
This week is all about these bad ass ladies…
Girl Gang Sheffield
Girl Gang is a Sheffield based, female centric events company run by Vanessa and Ellie, two amazing women who are spreading a bit of naughty fun through the city!
From film nights to music events the brain children of Girl Gang are kicking ass. By day they are the owners at Creepstore and Handmade Cinema and I for one want to be in their gang!
Seven Hills Women’s Institute
Seven Hills WI is Sheffield’s largest WI and has hosted both myself and my husband as guest speakers over the last couple of years.
As they say themselves, they are more belly dancing and bellinis that Jam and Jerusalem! Interested in joining? They are full this year, though you can go along as a guest, but you can put your name down for next year here.
Get Your Belly Out
Get Your Belly Out is a campaign aiming to raise awareness of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, more commonly known as IBD. Founded by 4 campaigners, they have raised awareness and a shed load of a cash for Crohns and Colitis UK!
They also just got a Pride of Britain award!!! Ladies, I salute you!
Everyday Sexism
The Everyday Sexism Project exists to catalogue instances of sexism experienced by women on a day to day basis. These guys are making a huge difference and getting the world to speak out about the unacceptable, yet often overlooked sexism that women face every day.
Go take a look at some of these wonderful women and celebrate the women in your life who bring you joy and to quote Girl Gang “Do rad stuff and change the world!”
Sam x