Happy Anniversary

Today is our 11th wedding anniversary!

We married in Las Vegas in 2004 and renewed our wedding vows last year and I couldn’t be happier.

Life isn’t always plain sailing and we have had our moments of struggle, but we came through everything stronger than before and that Cleasby bloke and I, when we are together, we are a force to be reckoned with.

Over the last 2 years of surgeries, recovery and change, Timm has been my rock. The one person I can tell it all to, the one to hold my hand, to make it all better and to love me harder than ever before. He became my carer for a while and did it with love, sensitivity and respect.

sam cleasby timm cleasby

People tell me I am strong. But I am only strong because Timm is my roots, he holds me tall and supports my growth.

When life is good, he walks by my side, both of us smiling into the sun. But sometimes life just gets so heavy, my shoulders aren’t broad enough to carry the weight, that is when he steps in and scoops me up. When I need him to, he will carry the weight of both of us and does so with a smile. Then as it gets easier, he sets me down and we carry on our path together.





I just hope that when he needs me, I will carry him in the same way.

Happy anniversary to my favourite person in the whole world.

Sam x

4 replies
  1. The Southern Belle
    The Southern Belle says:

    I just wanted to comment on this and let you know how beautiful and special this tribute is to your marriage.! You paint the picture well of your lives together.. I was just married on the 5th of March and my husband is in the Navy so I have learned… The distance is tough AT TIMES but for the most part, we sorta appreciate it because our time together is so special and cherished. We are now expecting our first child on October 13th 🙂 and super excited.. Our story is rare and most people think we are insane but.. I’m from South Carolina and we happened to go to San Diego for vacation (extremely random for my family) but Jared was stationed there and I knew the night I met him he’s my soulmate. I have never KNOWN something more clearly in my life.. He deployed for 7months 2 weeks later and I was right back when that ship docked (our little boy was conceived) lol post deployment. Doctors always told me it would be hard for me to have children so I am extremely blessed. I just went back in March and we were married and I’m currently packing to start my life and family in San Diego.. I couldn’t be happier. When I gave up on love, it came to me full force. Anyone out there losing hope in finding the one my advice is Stop Looking. Fate will happen and when it does there’s nothing you can do but enjoy the ride and be thankful for every second of it.

  2. Millymollymandy
    Millymollymandy says:

    Happy Anniversary! We were married in Vegas too, and my lovely hubby has just been running the vacuum round because he’s been caring for me and dealing with looking after the house, garden and menagerie whilst I’ve been incapable. Hoorah for wonderful spouses!


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