Independent Advisory Group – South Yorkshire Police
I was over the moon to be asked to join an Independent Advisory Group for South Yorkshire Police recently.
It is a chance to offer input on how they police our communities and how they can better meet their needs.
The Independent Advisory Group (IAG) aims to discuss the impacts of policing on different communities and look at ways in which we can improve the policing service to the diverse communities within Sheffield.
A/Chief Inspector Shak Ahmed, said: “As a member of the IAG you’ll offer us helpful and constructive criticism, helping us to build and develop an insight into the needs and wants of communities who may be under-represented in Sheffield.
“This is a chance for you to challenge the way we think and share your beliefs on how we work, to ensure our work meets the requirements of members of the community as we are keen to ensure the group reflects Sheffield’s diverse communities.”
As someone born and bred in Sheffield I care about my community and it’s important to me for the police to be held to account and ensure that underrepresented groups’ needs are met.
I have lived experience of disability and chronic illness as well as my professional experience of working with disabled people every day. Disabled people are notoriously underrepresented in society and often the needs of disabled people are not appreciated and so I hope I can make a difference.
As well as this my background is ethnically diverse and it’s important to me that we consider the diverse groups of people in South Yorkshire.
I love Sheffield and I care massively about the disabled community and so I just hope that I can do something good for people in South Yorkshire. I know I’ll get told off for fitting another thing into my already hectic life but it means so much to me to give something back and to help others.
My first meeting is later this month and I am so excited! Wish me luck and if you have any thoughts on how the police can be more inclusive to disabled people, please do let me know!
Sam xx
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