This boy
This boy
We never had wedding vows of in sickness and in health. Instead our Elvis minister asked us if we swore never to leave each others blue suede shoes out in the rain.
But he’s aways there by my side.
He puts my tablets in shot glasses with little stickers with times written on them.
He kisses me and holds me close when I cry through pain, frustration or sadness.
He goes to all my hospital appointments with me because he knows I forget what they’ve said as soon as I walk out.
He doesn’t mind when I’m too tired to do anything but lay in bed. And will lay right there with me.
He runs me a bath, sits on the floor and washes me when it’s all just too much.
He makes me laugh when I am sad.
He comes to my events to support me and never complains about the hours waiting for me.
He works so damn hard to make sure our family has all we need.
Through every surgery he is there.
Through every recovery, he does it all.
Through the toughest of times, he sticks fast by my side.
Through the darkest of times, he sits under a duvet cave with me whispering and kissing.
He washes the sheets and my clothes when my bag leaks.
He helps me do my hair when my arms don’t have the strength.
He loves me even when I don’t feel worthy of love.
He wants me to be the best version of me that I can.
He runs around Ikea with me playing and making fake photo shoots.
He brings McDonald’s and makes a picnic on our bed with all the kids when I’m too sick and tired to cook.
He tells me I’m beautiful even when my hair is falling out and I’m too tired to shower and I’m wearing pyjamas.
He cries with me and tells me that no, it’s not fucking fair.
He listens to my crazy plans and never tells m they’re crazy, he tells me to get planning.
At night when I can’t sleep, he gives me his hand so I can lay with my fingers on the pulse in his wrist because though it’s batty, he knows it calms me down.
When I’m too tired to go out on Valentines Day, he orders room service and beers and we have them in bed.
He once stole a wheelchair and kidnapped my from hospital so I could sit with the sun on my face.
This year, we will celebrate being together for 20 years, and though I never thought it possible, I love him more every day.
This boy. He is my everything.
And he’s never, ever left my blue suede shoes out in the rain.
Sam xx
Just Beautiful Sam. And I’ve never met any two people more worthy of love. Congratulations xx
Read this post through tear filled eyes. Beautiful. Made me think of my amazing man, kids and family through my struggle with colitis.I love reading your posts Sam you truly are an inspirational woman. X
That’s beautiful Sam, my husband is the same – he is my husband, best friend and my rock and has been to hell and back with me. We are truly blessed x
Lucky you, he’s a keeper <3