I am thrilled to say that I got shortlisted for the 2015 National Diversity Awards as a Positive Role Model in the category of Disability!! The winners will be announced Friday, September 18th at Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral at a lovely awards do that I will be attending along with Timm as my cheerleader/chief tissue holder!
I am absolutely blown away to be shortlisted, I felt like a winner just being able to read all the amazing comments from everyone who nominated me. Shall I tell you a secret? I have them in a file on my computer and on those days when everything feels too tough, when I want to hide away and not speak to anyone, I read them and remember why I do what I do. Why I write about the most intimate details of my life, why I keep going. You lot are just the best readers in the world, the responses I get on here, on Facebook, twitter or by email just mean the world to me and I want to take the time to thank every one of you.
“The National Diversity Awards a prestigious black tie event, which celebrates the excellent achievements of grass- root communities that tackle the issues in today’s society, giving them recognition for their dedication and hard work.
The National Diversity Awards will be held at Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral, September 18th 2015 where there are several award categories including Positive Role Model and Community Organisation Awards, which will be split into five categories including race & religion/faith, age, disability, gender and LGBT. Other awards include the Entrepreneur of Excellence Award, Diverse Company of the Year Award and Lifetime Achiever Award.
Charities, role models and community heroes will be honoured at the ceremony showcasing their outstanding devotion to enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion; thus embracing the excellence of all out citizens irrespective of race, faith, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability and culture.”

Poo is a difficult subject, but it is the thing that I talk about the most and what spurred me to start this blog. To speak out for the 300,000 people in the UK with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and to Stop Poo Being Taboo.
From there I began to think about all the invisible disabilities that people face and the isolation and anxiety that comes with it. As a society we are getting better about talking about disability, but there is an awful lot more to be done, especially for those who have a condition that can’t be easily seen. And that it why I started the More Than Meets The Eye campaign, to get people talking about invisible disabilities.
I am really proud of all that I have achieved so far, but I would love to make a difference to so many more people. Of course, I would love to win this award, but I already feel so blessed just to be acknowledged amongst the amazing people who have also been shortlisted. Winning would be a bonus, right now I am just overwhelmed that this girl from Sheffield has done something to help so many. Two years ago as I lay in a hospital bed, feeling that life as I knew it was over, I couldn’t have dreamt where I would be headed.

Thank you so much to every one of you who voted.
You’re all awesome
Sam xxx