Hey bambinos,
It’s momma here, I thought I would pen you a note as you are all old enough to spend your days with your noses stuck to a phone/ipad/laptop and I know you sneak a peek at So Bad Ass from time to time.
Firstly (and always), mannnnn I love you guys so much. Like, my heart swells and twists and pumps a little harder when I think about you. You are my three proudest achievements, nothing I can do in my life will ever surpass the pride I feel when I know that a little bit of me and a little bit of dad managed to make these three human beings that are as mind blowingly awesome as you.
People talk about how I have coped with the past few years, all the surgeries, the hospital stays and the life changing additions and subtractions and I think they forget that you guys have been through it all too. My heart breaks when I think about how my illness has hurt you all. I am truly sorry that this has happened to us all, if I could have hidden it from you, I would. I can never give you back the past few years and all the time we have lost with me in bed, I can’t replace the time you have spent visiting me in hospital, the hours that slipped away as I rest and heal and sleep.
But I can thank you for it. Bambinos, you are the best. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you for taking everything on board, for being accepting and loving and caring.
Thank you for asking hilariously awkward questions about my stoma and butt (never stop!)
Thank you for not being embarrassed of me (even when your friends saw a photo of me in my knickers on the internet)
Thank you for the endless cups of tea.
Thank you for the hugs. Every one healed me a little faster.
Thank you for bringing your friends to see me in my sick bed at home and not being ashamed of me.
Thank you for giving up your free time to sit in bed with me watching terrible TV.
Thank you for making me laugh (even when it hurts my stitches) you three are the funniest human beings in the world.
Thank you for understanding.
Thank you for being you, you weird, bizarre, ridiculous, smart, funny, wonderful babies.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I wish none of this had happened and that we could just be a normal, happy family, but I can’t change it and I just have to hope that we can gain some positive things from it all. I know we are closer as a family, I know that your relationships with your dad have deepened so much and when I see you all together, it makes me smile.
I hope this situation has made you more open minded and accepting, I hope it has taught you patience and care and a knowledge to not judge a book by it’s cover. I hope you are tougher for coming through the past few years and that you will learn to be more resilient, stronger and always try to find the silver lining in any situation. (Even if that silver lining is a terrible joke, a meme about llamas or a memory of a good time).
It means so much to me that my bag doesn’t frighten or upset you, I know it was a shock in the early days, but I am so glad that you fully accept my ileostomy bag for what it is, a life saver. After surgery, when you were all a little scared to come to close incase you hurt me, it shook me, I worried you would never want to hug me again, now I love the fact that you barely think about my bag and aren’t afraid to touch it, talk about it and even warm your hands on a very cold nighttime walk on it!! (Hahaha)
I want you to know that I am so proud of you all and the way that you have dealt with everything. I know it was really scary that I had to go in to hospital again and it wasn’t nice to visit me and see all those tubes and wires everywhere, I know it was frightening when I wasn’t really with it because of all the medication. You guys were awesome though, you made me laugh when you wore the sick bowls as hats and made me wear one too. You brought me joy in those rubbish days when all I wanted was to be at home and every time I saw your faces, it reminded me to get strong quickly so I could get home to you all.
My bambinos, I know the past couple of months have been tough as hell. Between my surgery and recovery, our bereavement, mine and dad’s work, your school life and the most stressful house move known to man (we’re nearly there, I promise!!!), it has been really hard and I know you have all been freaking out. It makes me feel guilty to know you guys are stressed, I feel it is my job as a mum to protect you from stress, but unfortunately this is life and it’s a learning process for you to know that bad stuff happens, yup, even to good people. But that’s ok.
You don’t appreciate the great times without lulls of crapness, we have had more than our fair share of crap times, I know. But we also have something really special, we have us. Our family is awesome, me, dad and you three flipping rock, we are just the best and we have to celebrate that.
Let’s hope that after a bad start to the year, 2016 will be beautiful. I’m looking forward to our new home, to working in the allotment with you all, to parties and big dinners with the people we love, to your aunty, uncle and cousin visiting us from Australia, to a weekend in Manchester watching the Stone Roses, to visits to London, to galleries and exhibitions, walks in the park and cuddles on the sofa, to visits from nan and a house full of your friends, to hot tubs in the summer and ridiculous gatherings of our silly friends and especially to our family road trip to America!!
The thing I look forward to the most is seeing you lot grow and thrive, you are all getting so grown up and it is scary to think that you aren’t babies any more. Two of you are teens and one will start secondary school this year!! You are all dealing with your own struggles, and bambinos, I know it is SO HARD! You are filled with hormones and emotion and are learning who you are as people, you are becoming the best young men and women that I have ever met. Dad and I may be tough on you, we nag about work ethics and housework, manners and respect, it is only because we love you more than anything and we can see how close that horizon of adulthood is to you. We can see it nearing day by day that in no time at all you will be leaving school, going to uni, travelling the world and leaving home.
But let’s not rush it eh? Let’s enjoy our time together because after all the s**t (yes, mum swore) we have been through, we deserve something good.
I love you bambinos
Mum x