Sore skin and ileostomy
I have been having some soreness to my skin underneath where my bag fits. I spoke to the stoma nurse who said that it was common as when you are removing the wafer and bag, you peel carefully from the top and then once you are past the hole, you tend to rip it off quickly.
I thought this was what was happening so I made sure I was doing it carefully but unfortunately despite this, my skin was getting more sore.
This morning when I changed my bag my skin underneath was bleeding and so sore. I have been avoiding mirrors but I looked at myself and saw that the shape of the soreness was oval. My wafer is round…
I suddenly realised that when I was taught to put my bags on and off, I was laid in bed. So now I always put them on whilst I’m laid down. Then when I stand, my skin is pulling downwards (the joy of having had three kids!!!) and the wafer is trying to keep it pulled upwards so its tearing at my skin and making it really sore!
I stood at my dressing table and put my bag on whilst stood up. I can’t believe the difference! You can see that whilst stood my wafer should stick a good centimetre or so higher than where it has been sticking when I put it on laid down!
I’m hoping this is going to help with the skin soreness and also with the very slight leaking I have been experiencing.
I thought it was worth posting for other people with ostomies as its been a revelation to me!
Love Sam xx