So for the past two weeks I have been bleeding, Ive kept it to myself as we had our wedding renewal on Saturday and I just wanted the day to be about Timm and I, not about my illness. Our whole lives had been about my illness for the past year and so I kept my mouth shut and just dealt with the symptoms.
After the wedding I got in touch with Mr Brown, my consultant and today I saw him in clinic, because of the quite heavy bleeding and increased pooling along with a hefty load of fatigue he suspects I have pouchitis. I had bloods taken today and Ive been booked in for an urgent flexible sigmoidoscopy. Im pretty gutted and feel like my recovery is being hindered once again, but Im glad my doctor takes it seriously and is getting me sorted asap. The treatment is a course of antibiotics but we are waiting for confirmation that my markers are up from the blood tests before starting that.
Pouchitis is when an internal pouch becomes inflamed. It is a common complication in people with an ileo-anal pouch or continent ileostomy.
Symptoms of pouchitis include:
- diarrhoea, which is often bloody
- abdominal pains
- stomach cramps
- a high temperature
Im trying to keep my chin up but to be honest I do feel a bit down about it all. After the massive highs of the wedding renewal it feels like a real bump back down to earth. I spent the whole wedding day rejoicing on just how far I have come, thinking about how there were points when I was really ill and in hospital that I couldn’t imagine making it to that day. But all the while I was thinking about this bleeding and worrying about the causes and feeling set back.

Pouchitis is a common problem for people with a pouch and so Im relieved that its probably just that but in this recovery it seems to be two steps forward and one step back. I need to remember that though this is a step back, I am always moving forward and things are getting better.
I have been given picolax to prepare for the flexible sigmoidoscopy which seems pretty scary. I have of course had so many camera tests and so had all the laxatives before but now I have no large bowel, I can’t imagine what the results will be!! I had a flexi sig last time I was admitted to hospital and though I was terrified before I went in, it was actually less painful than I imagined. Im not happy about having to have more tests but I am glad it is getting under control and I feel heard and cared for.
Ill keep you all updated!
Sam x
PS My AMAZING ‘prickly tits’ dress is from Syd and Mallory in Sheffield.