Entries by sam

Be more Beyonce

I came across this quote from Kathleen Hanna that was just too good not to share. Perhaps we all need to care less about what others think, especially others who are just randoms off of the internet?  Perhaps we all need to be more Beyonce… “Beyoncé isn’t Beyoncé because she reads comments on the Internet. Beyoncé […]

Haircut time

I’ve been writing about my hair loss and how it’s been bothering me. Yesterday I went to see the lovely Nikki from Kojo & Lee in Sheffield to sort out my mop. We talked about alopecia and discussed some hairstyles I had seen around the web and it turns out the styles I was looking […]

Hair loss

Since my surgery I have noticed that my hair is falling out. A lot. Every time I brush or run my fingers through my hair I end up with handfuls of hair.  I have always had really thick hair and so it didn’t really bother me at first but now it’s 12 weeks post op […]